
TWINRIX is a combined hepatitis A (inactivated) and hepatitis B (recombinant) vaccine to be used in adults, adolescents, children and infants over one year of age.

TWINRIX does not protect against hepatitis C or E nor does it treat hepatitis A or B infections. 100% protection cannot be guaranteed and additional doses may be required.

Side effects that occurred in adults during clinical trials with the standard (3 dose) and the rapid (4 dose) TWINRIX vaccination schedule were as follows:

Adult: Very common (more than 10% of doses) – pain or discomfort, redness at the injection site, headache and tiredness.

Adult: Common (1–10% of doses) – swelling at the injection site, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and generally feeling unwell.

Adult: Uncommon (0.1–1% of doses) – fever (over 37.5°C), dizziness, upper respiratory tract infection, and aching muscles.

Adult: Rare (0.01–0.1% of doses) – swollen glands in the neck, armpit or groin, loss of appetite, pins and needles, low blood pressure, rash and itching, muscle and joint pain and flu- like symptoms, such as high temperature, sore throat, runny nose, cough, and chills.

Adult: Very Rare (less than 0.01% of doses) – hives.

Side effects that occurred in children during clinical trials who received the standard (3 dose) TWINRIX Jr. vaccination schedule were as follows:

Children: Very Common (more than 10% of doses) – pain and redness at the injection site.

Children: Common (1-10% of doses) – swelling at the injection site, fever over 37.5ºC, irritability, drowsiness, headache, loss of appetite, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and generally feeling unwell.

Children: Uncommon (0.1–1% of doses) – rash.

Children: Rare (0.01–0.1% of doses) – swollen glands in the neck, armpit or groin, dizziness and hives.

Children: Very Rare (less than 0.01% of doses) – pins and needles, loss of skin sensitivity to pain or touch, numbness of the arms and legs, low blood pressure, rash and itching, aching muscles and joint pain and flu-like symptoms, such as high temperature, sore throat, runny nose, cough and chills.

Side effects that occurred in children during clinical trials who received the alternate (2 dose) TWINRIX vaccination schedule were as follows:

Children: Very Common (more than 10% of doses) – pain and redness at the injection site, tiredness, headache, irritability and loss of appetite.

Children: Common (1-10% of doses) – swelling at the injection site, fever, drowsiness, stomach and digestive complaints.

Ask your healthcare professional if TWINRIX is right for you.